Law Daily

Win the morning, win the day

Clearer understanding of Speed, Velocity and Acceleration

So far I haven’t done anything exciting in my two weeks break apart from trying to catchup with schoolwork, training and chores 😦 . But studying does get fun when you actually start understanding what you read.

Yesterday I was reading some physics and now have a clearer understanding on the difference between speed, velocity and acceleration, and what scalar and vector quantities are.

So first, a scalar quantity is pretty much the size or measurement of something with no particular direction. e.g temperature, time, pressure and speed.

A vector quantity has both size and direction. e.g torque, velocity, displacement and acceleration.

So, now that I’ve stated which falls into which category, this what I understood from what I read:

Speed- how fast something is going

Velocity- the speed of an object in a particular direction

Acceleration- the rate of velocity change

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About Me

Name’s Lawrence, but you can just call me Law. There’s not much about me to be honest, but I love spending my time outside.


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